- Project Development with the Violinist and Entrepreneur Prof. Miha Pogacnik in Slovenia
“If you want to build a ship, don’t just drum a bunch of men together in order to gather wood, assign tasks and allocate work duties, but rather teach the men to yearn for the wide, endless sea.”
About Me
Michael Seidel, born in 1951 in Bad Muskau, married since 1976, four adult children, five grandchildren
- Schooling through the school-leaving exam in Baden-Württemberg
- 1979: passed 2nd state law exam
- Law Studies (University of Augsburg)
- 1979 to 1984: attorney in Munichn
- Since 1984: self-employed attorney in Waldkraiburg
- Since 1984: volunteer work in social housing construction serving on the Supervisory Board and/or management board for the Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft [Cooperative House-Building Society] Wasserburg eG
- 1984/85: initiative to set up a school offering singing and music instruction in Waldkraiburg
- 1985 to 1995: volunteer work in adult education as a member of the management board of the Adult Education Centre in Waldkraiburg
- 1992 to 2006: volunteer work in local politics
(Youth advisor and city council member in Waldkraiburg / parliamentary group speaker in the district assembly, Mühldorf a. Inn District)
Initiative proposals and political fight for a higher level at the Gymnasium [high school for pupils intending to study at a university] Waldkraiburg
Initiative and 1997 Founding of the youth parliament of Waldkraiburg - 2003 to 2005: training in mediation as well as business mediation conducted by the IMS e. V. (Institut für Mediation und Streitschlichtung [Institute for Mediation and Dispute Resolution]) in cooperation with NCRC (National Conflict Resolution Center, San Diego / California)
- Continuing education on “System Design – The Introduction of Conflict Management Systems” (Grundig Academy of Nuremberg with Kurt Faller)
- 2005: founding of “Mediation Waldkraiburg” and expansion into a law and mediation firm
- Since 2007: cooperation with Masanobu Hirata, Celle (“Paths to the Centre”)
- 2008: continuing education in “Logo Therapy and Existential Analysis” from Viktor Frankl (Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kurz, Tübingen)
- 2009/2010: cooperation with the “European Mediation Centre” (Michael Schneider Vocke, Barcelona)
- December 2009: Seminar on “Nordic Mediators” and “Mediators Beyond Boarders” in Copenhagen as well as participation in the Global Climate Conference COP 15 as an “Official Observer” of the UNO
- 2010 – 2013: project development with Prof. Miha Pogacnik (Cultural Ambassador in Slovenia)
- Fall 2012: Member of the Advisory Committee of the Federal Government of Slovenia at “Slovenia 2020”; developed a related strategy paper “Slovenia and its Development”
- Since summer of 2010: member of the “Future Salon” and cooperation with Dr. Charles Savage (University for Applied Sciences in Munich/ “Strascheg Centre for Entrepreneurship”
- Since 2011: cooperation with “Insight Expedition”, Marie Laidig; Edinburgh, Scotland
- December 2013 to March 2014: studies in California (Santa Monica / Los Angeles)
What will the future bring?
I am currently writing about the theme of “time”: Plea for a new fundamental understanding of “time”.